Cooking from any age builds a comfortable relationship with food and will make healthier eaters.
It improves the gut-brain reaction...happy guts, happy mind!
Everything tastes better homemade.
COMPLETE control of sugars/fats/salts you consume resulting in less diet related diseases therefore less pressure on the NHS.
Cognitive development - Mix in some maths, science, estimation skills, organisation, communication, time management, all great for the neurons!
Lifts your mood, rather therapeutic, great for mental health.
Cost effective, look after your pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.
Showcase your skills, cooking brings people together.
I have decided to pause classes to focus on selling delicious, home cooked, authentic Indian food.
Follow Mistrychef on Instagram or Facebook for live updates.
A heartfelt ‘thank you’ for your continued support.
Lifestyle Medicine
WARNING - We do not cook jalfrezis, baltis, kormas or any other generic curry catered for the mass market.
Read on….
easy Indian Cooking Classes for
Adults & children 10+
Aylesbury, Bucks - Enhanced DBS checked
Every time you eat or drink you are either feeding disease or fighting it
Heather Morgan
Shop small, support a local business
I do not advertise, I have a very organic clientele. If you have found my website, you obviously have a curiosity about wanting to cook delicious, healthy Indian food ‘from scratch’.
In light of recent events in the media regarding sesame seeds, please read the allergen information below:
Spices used in my classes have been produced in a mill that handles wheat, dairy, peanuts, soya, sesame seeds & mustard seeds.
The following allergens may be used in some recipes: eggs, mustard seeds, milk, sesame seeds, clarified butter & crustaceans .
Please highlight upon booking any allergies you have.
Easy Indian Cooking
"chop it up - chuck it in"
Endeavouring to increase cooking from scratch
reducing the consumption of processed foods
>less diet related diseases
>less pressure on the NHS
MistryChef will give you the confidence to cook easy, enticing indian meals from scratch
consumption of sugars, fats & salt
the need for processed food
diet related diseases
childhood & adult obesity
food waste
plastic packaging
monthly food expenditure
control of consumption of sugars/fats/salts
physical & mental health
cognitive development
Healthier cells
"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" - Hippocrates
curries Made Easy With MistryChef
Rated 5/5 on Tripadvisor
"Learn how to cook, try new recipes, learn from your mistakes, be fearless and above all, have fun" - Julia Childs
Why cook from scratch?
Cooking from any age builds a comfortable relationship with food and will make healthier eaters.
It improves the gut-brain reaction...happy guts, happy mind!
Everything tastes better homemade.
COMPLETE control of sugars/fats/salts you consume resulting in less diet related diseases therefore less pressure on the NHS.
Cognitive development - Mix in some maths, science, estimation skills, organisation, communication, time management, all great for the neurons!
Lifts your mood, rather therapeutic, great for mental health.
Cost effective, look after your pennies and the pounds will look after themselves.
Showcase your skills, cooking brings people together.
"One cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well" - Virgina Woolf
Delicious Indian food prepared with minimum fuss
I adopt a very relaxed approach to the way I cook. It literally is chop it up, chuck it in. Giving clients the confidence to go on and recreate dishes and invent new ones.
Every dish that is cooked from scratch has GARGANTUAN benefits to one's health.
Curries are evolving to accommodate a more sophisticated palate. Gone are the days when one would be inebriated and consume the hottest curry possible.
Fresh, home cooked curries are most definitely 'on trend' - cooking therapy at it's best. It brings people together whilst learning a life skill which can be passed down to future generations.
Time to revive this DIMINISHING skill.
Everything in moderation I say, it would be near on impossible to eradicate processed food from our diet in this busy world we live in.
By reducing the amount of processed food we consume, can only have a positive effect on our internal organs.
Eating in is the new eating out....